Breanna Morris // behind the visor

With excitement building for the first round of the Castrol Formula Regional Oceania Championship, which kicks off at Highlands Motorsport Park on the 13-15 January, we took the opportunity to catch up with the current North Island Formula Ford champion, 19-year-old Breanna Morris, to get her thoughts on motorsport and the upcoming series.

The Aucklander, who recently committed to building a career in motorsport, is making the step from Formula Ford to the Castrol Formula Regional Oceania Championship (formerly the Toyota Racing Series).

For those who don’t know you, how did you get started in racing, tell us about your motorsport journey.

BM : I started karting in 2013 at the age of 10. I have the sport in my blood, as most of my family are from speedway. Family friends were karting at the time, and they introduced me to karting at a ‘have-a-go day’.

After karting, we moved into Formula First where I spent two seasons developing my racecraft. I’ve spent the last two seasons in a Formula Ford, gaining more experience racing in both the North Island and National Formula Ford Championships.

What have been some of your biggest accomplishments and what are you most proud of?

BM : Two of my biggest motorsport accomplishments [so far] are winning the 2016 Nationals in Mini ROK, which gave me an opportunity to race in Italy, followed by winning the 2020-2021 North Island Formula Ford championship.

I’m also very proud of myself for being able to find the sponsorship to be able to compete in Castrol Formula Oceania Championship.

What do you enjoy most about racing, and what do you find most challenging?

BM : I enjoy pushing myself; every day is different, so you’re learning all the time. The biggest challenge is staying in the right mental space, it’s my passion, and I have high expectations for myself to succeed.

“it’s my passion, and I have high expectations for myself to succeed.”

How do you prepare for a race meeting, both physically and mentally, and the mindset required to overcome adversity?

BM : Before a meeting, I prepare by having everything organised and packed. I don’t train myself as hard at the gym, this lets me recover quicker and maintain my full potential for the races.

If I’m in a negative situation, I always believe in myself and know that I am capable of overcoming it.

What advice do you have for those young racing drivers who have followed your progress and who want to follow in your footsteps?

BM : I think it’s awesome to be able to show and create a path for younger drivers to be able to follow in the footsteps to where they want to be in their future of racing.

Tell us about the Castrol Formula Regional Oceania championship, what have you been doing to prepare for the series? What are you looking forward to? What would a successful series look like for you?

BM : I’ve always wanted to compete in the CFROC, and I still can’t believe that I will be competing in the championship this season.

I’m driving for the Giles Motorsport team alongside Americans Ryan Shehan and Chloe Chambers.

I’m really looking forward to getting back in the car and racing, especially as it’s such a demanding series. With the five weekends of back-to-back racing, you’re being challenged both in and out of the car.

A successful season for me would be to develop my skills in a ‘wings and slicks’ car and create opportunities for me to be able to race overseas this year.

Motorsport is very much a team sport. Is there anyone you would like to thank who have supported you along the way?

BM : My parents have always been very supportive and encouraging in my career.

I have also received some great guidance and advice from my mentors, my sponsors are also very supportive and are a big part of the team, I wouldn’t be able to compete without them.

Dayle ITM | Tony Quinn Foundation | Hampton Downs NZ Racing Academy | Tasman Motorsports Group Ltd. | Aedifice | FHK Racing | Harvey Furnishings | Giltrap Group | NAPA Auto Parts NZ | Rot Doctor | Driveshaft NZ | Logick Print | GVI – Genuine Vehicle Imports | Pink Properties | Allied Petroleum

Finally, for our readers who would like to follow your progress, where can they find you on social media?

BM : You can find me on social media. I post on both my Instagram and my Facebook pages, to keep my fans updated along the way.

Mario Andretti once said, “Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal—a commitment to excellence—that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”

Regardless of the results over the next 5 weekends, Breanna Morris is showing the commitment required to follow her passion and achieve her goals.

Feature image thanks to Shots By TayB

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